Practice Educators | Health Sciences University

Practice Educators

Physiotherapy class

Welcome Practice Educators

Practice Educators information for for our MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration) course

Here you will find guidance on documents and training opportunities for Practice Educators supporting our Physiotherapy Students during their placement.

Physiotherapy Placement Cohort 2023

An Overview

This page provides an overview of the information that you will need to support our student on practice placements and is separated into four sections:

  • Placement Dates
  • Placement Educator Training
  • Placement Documentation and Support
  • Course Information

Image: MSc Physiotherapy students (former cohort)

Placement Dates

At AECC University College our MSc Physiotherapy (pre-reg) students follow a full-time placement programme running from June to October, which includes two 7 week blocks in year 1 and two 7 week blocks in year 2.

Placement dates Academic Year 2024
Placement Start date End date Year
Placement 1 Monday 24 June 2024 Friday 9 August 2024 1
Placement 2 Tuesday 27 August 2024 Friday 11 October 2024 1
Placement 3 Monday 24 June 2024 Friday 9 August 2024 2
Placement 4 Tuesday 27 August 2024 Friday 11 October 2024 2
Placement dates Academic Year 2025
Placement Start date End date Year
Placement 1 Monday 23 June 2025 Friday 8 August 2025 1
Placement 2 Tuesday 26 August 2025 Friday 10 October 2025 1
Placement 3 Monday 23 June 2025 Friday 8 August 2025 2
Placement 4 Tuesday 26 August 2025 Friday 10 October 2025 2

Practice Educator Training

This is a joint update session run by AECC University College and Bournemouth University regarding pre-reg Physiotherapy Practice Based Learning.

The Practice Educator course is an interactive online training course for first time practice educators or anyone who would like a refresher.
It covers the following:

  • BU and AECC Course structure
  • Placement models
  • Clinical educator role
  • Grading
  • Feedback
  • Additional Learning Support
  • Placement support
  • OPAL and E Portfolio platforms to complete the CPAF.

Please note: That this course does not cover CPAF.

Teaching overview:

Part 1 Course specific information (approx. 1hour)
  • Bournemouth University course overview and update (approx. 30mins)
  • AECC University College course overview and update (approx. 30mins)
Part 2 (approx. 1hr) Placement updates and information
  • Placement models and allocation
  • Top tips for practice education
  • Giving feedback
  • Additional learning support
  • ‘Open’ session Q&A re any aspects of placements

Please contact either Alex Dunford, Physio Lecturer and Placement Lead BU, ( or Katherine Chambers, Physio Lecturer and Placement Co-Ordinator AECC, ( if you have a particular topic you would like covered or if you have any questions.

Update sessions

Below are the upcoming update session dates and times. The update sessions will be conducted via MS Teams. Please click on the joining link on the relevant session time and date, to join a session.  There is no need to book.

  • 18/10/2023 11.00-13.00: This meeting has ended
  • 18/12/2023 11.00-13.00: This meeting has ended
  • 07/02/2024 11.00-13.00: This meeting has ended
  • 27/03/2024 11.00-13.00: This meeting has ended
  • 06/06/2024 10.00-12.00: This meeting has ended

This course is for Physiotherapist practice educators. You must be working for an employer that has a placement arrangement with AECC University College and/or Bournemouth University.

For new Practice Educators we ask that you also complete the AHP educator training via the link below. For an established PPE looking for an update/refresh please complete the training you feel you need.


CPAF training- this is currently being reviewed; the CPAF CSP resources are very useful if you need to familiarise yourself with the document, if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact Katherine Chambers, Placement Co-ordinator at AECC University College via

2. AHP educator training programme

AHP training modules

The AHP Practice Educator Training Programme has been designed for any healthcare professional involved in student placements across the Southeast. Please click here to access the training programme.

Placement Documentation and Support

Our Physiotherapy students are assessed via the CPAF (Common Placement Assessment Form) Document devised by the CSP.   As all students at AECCUC study at MSc level, they will all use the Level 6 document for their placements.

Practice Educator CPAF guide

Practice Educator Handbook

The CPAF document for each student will be held via their E Portfolio where the students complete and store their CPD records.  Following allocation of a student for placement, you will be sent a link in order to access their E Portfolio from our IT team.  If one student has two Practice Educators, you will both get a log in, but only one person can make changes at a time.

Student Placement Handbook

CPAF – How to Videos

The ‘CPAF how to…’ series of training videos is aimed at practice education teams and students throughout the UK to help them transition to using CPAF for student placements

An additional guidance document detailing ‘How to  assess the learning domains section’ has also been created. This helps to simply the assessment of this section of CPAF with clear images and messages.

Placement Support

At AECC University College, support is available during placements to both our Practice Educators and physiotherapy students. Practice Educators should refer to the AECC University College Practice Educator Handbook and students to their student handbook for guidance on the process. Our students have nominated AECC University College placement link tutors that the students can contact to support them while they are on placement. Half way visits (face to face or virtual) with the placement link tutors will be organised with the Practice Educators prior to the start of the placement at a convenient time.

Key members of the AECC University College placement support team include:

  • Placement co-ordinator: Responsible for the overall co-ordination of all placements and associated quality processes
  • Unit Lead: Responsible for overall co-ordination of the placement unit and assessment process who works directly with the placement co-ordinator
  • Personal Academic Tutor /Placement Link tutors: Responsible for academic and pastoral support for individual students across the duration of their course

Course Information

Here are the documents outlining the content of the key modules that make up the MSc Physiotherapy (pre reg) course at AECCUC. Hopefully this is a useful resource to see what has been taught prior to placements.


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Staff, students and patients were joined by Paralympic Gold Medalist Danny Crates and Chair of the Board of Governors, Jeni Bremner, to officially open the new state-of-the-art centre for exercise and rehabilitation.

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